think "double-u" before you make your next meal choice.
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Yes, there are three w's in wwweight. Three things that are involved in everyone eating habits. If you decided to lose weight the three w's are here help you -when used wisely.
1. What you eat
If you are eating a healthy diet your body will began to eliminate extra pounds. When I say "what you eat" I mean food. Not anything that comes from a vending machine, but, something that naturally occurs in nature. Unprocessed foods are easier for our body to convert into nutrients. Which means not being hungry all the time. Not being hungry all the time makes one less likely to overeat (overeat = eating when not hungry). Now, I did not say portion control. Because, we should eat until we are full. After you are full stop ( I know, so simple yet so hard without practice!). Restricting health foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains (other than wheat), and high quality meats, is like telling someone that they can only drink eight glasses of water a day. Some things you can ever get to much of, and others you cant get to little of. Balance! Hard to find. Worth the effort.
2. Where you eat
Do the people at Mcdonald's know your name? How often are you eating out? The best place to eat is at your table. There is no other way to be sure about exactly what your eating. There are very few healthy restaurants. Began to experament with recipes and find healthy foods you enjoy. By healthy I don't mean low calorie. I mean ingredients that occur in nature. Basically: if it never had a heartbeat or never needed dirt to grow you probably don't want to swallow it.
3. When you eat
I'm sure you've heard allegations about late night eating being a source of fast weight gain. This is more fact that fiction (more on this later)... I was first introduced to this by watching youtube videos about a book called "the daylight diet." I will find the lecture I liked best and post it later. Basically your body processes food best in daylight. When the sun goes down the metabolism slows as your body prepares to sleep and concentrate its energies on other parts of itself that need attention besides your metabolism. When we eat late we disturb this whole process and gain weight. I can testify it works like a charm. Stop eating late gradually. You will see a difference.
FYI: scales belong on reptiles. Not in bathrooms. |