What kinds of reactions do you get when you walk into the room with your hair? Do you get the "whats on her head" look or the "ohhh I wish my hair did that" reaction? Living in a euro-centric society afro hair textures and the variety they come in are grossly misunderstood. I have been in groups where I felt my hair didn't stand out at all and others where I was the "natural" in the room. The number of things that effect the reactions you will get from other people are enumerable! What I have found is that the diversity of your area can be as much of an asset as a setback when developing a strong confidence with your hair. Although things are much better than they were (trust me!) the response you get from Black people may be more negative than from White people. People who have not been taught that relaxers are the only way are sometimes more open minded and also don't have the same hair traumas to deal with.
If you are natural or going natural for the first time remember most of the time people are more curious about your hair than you are. So little is known about natural hair today even though the natural hair revolution is here. These are some methods for dealing with your Climate.
- Play it off, even if you don't feel the best about your hair that day sometimes a little confidence makes all the difference.
- Don't feel the need to respond to negative comments, if a person doesn't have an open mind they can't be convinced of anything.
- Do not confine yourself to "acceptable" styles, at the end of day all that matters what YOU think about your hair and makes YOU happy with YOUR hair.
Once you know what the weather will be you can work around it and soon you will master your hair and your climate.
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