
Scalp Update...

My Scalp has a layer of dandruff on it and my hair has become very dry ( which made it more frizzy than usual... I don't mind frizz, but when it comes early I hate it because that means the styles looks worse faster, like a shoe that gets worn out easily. You don't get much wear out of it.) for no apparent reason. I had this problem last time I did my hair. The moisture must not have been sealed (I didn't use shea butter or as much olive oil with my leave in). I could deal with the scalp ( I'v seen much, MUCH worse #horror story) but my hair feels dryer that it usually does.
 So inbetween uncharacteristically dry hair and itchy scalp I am going wash my hair as soon as I get up tomorrow! I'm starting to feel an afro coming on...
Wait, I know " why is she going to wear an afro tomorrow if her hair is feeling dry?" Well, my scalp must be washed!( I was lazy friday when I washed my hair and didn't really make sure scrubbed my scalp)I hardly even wear my hair out, and time is not on my side this week. On the weekend I will return to my regular routine of protective styling.

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