
Why Do You Want To Lose Weight?

Many times we set out to accomplish something believing we desire the outcome. Sometimes we don't take the time we need to examine our motivation(s). When it comes to weight loss it is sooo easy because of main stream culture to simply fall into the large demographic of people that want to change there bodies. We hear about a newer crazier diet every week! So, what are some good reasons to lose weight?

1.   Heath
This is undoubtedly a very good reason to loss weight. Just remember that being at a healthy weight doesn't mean looking like a model or 12 year old (which, sadly is sort of interchangeable).   In reality a healthy weight doesn't mean a perfectly sculpted body. It means avoiding excessive body fat and maintaining a good amount of muscle tone. These are both things that can be done without pitching a tent and living in your local gym. (More about how to approach weight loss in another article). "Weight loss for health" is not a blanket statement that one can make to justify harming ones body.  If weight loss is what you need to become healthy-er make sure to lose weight the right way.

    2.  Body image

Where did you get your ideas about your body? Notice how many times I said the word "you" in that last sentence? That's because we're talking about your body. But, almost always when we think about our bodies we are not thinking introspectively, we are thinking comparatively.  After seeing mainstream media manufactured people for so long on some level we start to assume that these images personify beauty. Than when we look in the mirror it is easier and easier to find things to "change."
What exactly about your body is the problem? Is your body size really too big?  what IS too big to you? These are some questions you need to answer or at least began to consider. Hint: these answers shouldn't be found in anything that has the term "weight loss" in the title or description. You are a valuable person with unique and beautiful features. By unique I mean everybody doesn't look like you. That's a good thing.
 There is no "magic weight" that will automatically make every person attractive. There are many variables the determine what body shape flatters a person. These include height, bone structure, body type, athletic builds, non athletic builds, & how easily a person gains weight.
There are periods of life that can be more stressful or demanding than others. If your weight has changed because of life circumstances don't freak out! Develop a realistic -yet challenging- plan so you can loss the weight not the health. 
The subject of becoming at peace with ones body will be addressed in greater detail later.

Well, those are the only good reasons I could come up with right now. If some others come to me I will post them later.  I wanted to get this article about before I get into the nitty gritty of weight loss.

And remember!

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