
Working Out Again. Scratch that. Doing everything Again

The other week I went on a burst running.. I've been meaning to do this for while. We all know how for a while works lol. Once I was home I stretched thoroughly and did this work out video:

I discovered Cassey Ho's blogilates.com website on twitter while looking through suggestions. This work out it amazing and blogilates is full of other ones I will be doing also!

I slacked off this fall. In between trying to process high school senior stuff and life related stress I allowed myself to do things I normally do not. Traveling alot last month postponed everything also. I did not had a huge pitfall, but I need to come back to my senses or else! 

 I am going to eliminate gains from my diet and stop eating late. This may sound like alot at once but you have to keep in mind that this is nothing new to me. 

You could call what happened to me a set back. Since I am going be as positive as possible, lets say that I learned from my mistakes. Whichever perspective your favor, I have no excuse now.  



"Personal style has its rewards."
- Vintage Style: Buying and Wearing Classic Vintage Clothes


A Mint (tea) Mood

photo source

My "tea purchasing fast" ended recently. I stopped buying tea for a month or so in order to drink all that I accumulated. This stuff is not cheap. 

One of the benefits was that I experienced teas that I would have overlooked in new ways.

After starting to buy tea again I noticed that I had bought tea's with minty flavors:

  • Lemon Lavender Mint 
  • Mint Fusion
  • Moroccan Mint 

Mint, in its many variations, aids in easing digestion, cleansing blood, and (raw mint leaves are for) freshening breath, just to mention a few benefits. It has medicinal, culinary, and cosmetic uses. Mint and herbs in general are a win win situation. Add them to your life and you will not regret it!

So, as I like to say, Let the steeping began! Hopefully with as little honey as possible.


Headband Curls Via Creating Laura

Click on this link to see how to use a headband

To curl your hair!


A great idea that can be used on natural hair also. I would do this on two strand twists, a loose hair texture, pressed hair, and braids. Your creativity it the limit.

CreatingLaura.com is full of great craft projects. Check it out!


Thought: Holding On to Your Imagination

Don't let anyone [or anything] robe you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; It's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.

- Mae Jemison 


Summer Golf Days

The lighting was amazing

and free

LOVE the color of the shirt + color of  the skirt 

sometimes sun glares are good 

I am starting to think that green could be a neutral color

Those summer days have already become memories
The bright sun shine has left us
and the cold embrace of fall will not release us
Until winter has frozen what remains


How to Deal with Dietary Mistakes

Eaten something you were not supposed to lately? Join the club. That’s human nature, we make mistakes, we do things we shouldn't. However, that does mean we can give up on our goals. Maybe you’re trying to eliminate something from your diet or stop over eating (easier said than done). Rome was not build in a day. Your amazing new healthy lifestyle will not appear as soon as you click your heels three times.

Even though I have been on my fitness journey for a long time now I estimate that I average at least a setback a week. When you strike out on radical healthy lifestyle you are not only fighting your old habits/cravings, you are declaring war on the unhealthy society we live in.

Very effort is a victory. Every accomplishment, large or small, is something to be proud of. Each day can only become better.

Don't give up!


Unparted Territory: Bring Back The Flat Twists!


Yes! I was very, very, very, very happy to wear a protective style again! After waiting for my hairline to recover from my dandruff induced hair loss.  

 I started out with a vague idea of how I would part the smaller flat twists in the front and knew how I would part the rest of my scalp. 

The design in the front is unconventional because it is off center. Instead of  converging at the middle of my hairline above my forehead.  


With afro textured hair the possibilities are literally endless!! That does not mean one should attempt to use every possibility at once though. Keep it simple, keep it elegant.   

What style will I do next? 

Word to the wise:
As always wear a head scarf at night. It will more than double the life of the style. A little frizz is unavoidable. So avoid what you can and love what you must.

I love it! However, you know I have to do at least 5 more different hair styles before I will feel like repeating this one.  Changing hairstyles often is my preference. 


My Nails Now (than): Tangerine Gradient Attempt

right hand

A while ago I polished my nails in this tangerine meets pink color with brown undertones and added a sheer shimmer nail polish on top. I tried to achieve a gradient effect with the pinky nail on my right hand being the most pigmented and the pinky finger on my left hand being the lightest shade of tangerine and the most shimmery. The nails in between transitioning from tangerine to shimmery.  I will experiment more with this effect to perfect it.

I was drinking an orange flavored san pellegrino and I noticed that it made my nails pop!

left hand
I think they looked better at night.

Or at least in natural light..


Fall I

fall is the best season
not just because my birthday is in november 
when fall comes spring and summer have already passed
most of the year is ripe for reflection
yet, enough of the year remains to change its meaning
even though I do not see many trees turning colors
or leaves falling 
in my heart the leaves are dropping 
and my roots are digging in deeper
welcoming winter
while embracing fall

To The Museum: White Marble & a White Sweater

Ultimate in Hipster appeal 
 In order to preserve the art on display the temperature in an art museum is carefully monitored. In other words, it will be cold. So no matter how warm outside always bring a jacket, or, in my case, a sweater.

Of course I did not wear the sweater in transit to the museum. I layered to sweater over a shirt I was already wearing.

I know I should have taken a better
 picture.. such is life 
Coincidentally my stripped tee gave a cute effect under my sweater. Here is again the importance of knowing if your shirt is see-through!


My grey cropped khakis and black flats.. I almost wore my new green shoes but the purse I carried that day had enough going on.

I mentioned that I think I'm photogenic right?  


True Style with Age

It sometimes happens that a woman is handsomer at twenty-nine than she was ten years before.
- Jane Austen


Farmers Market

Lots of beautiful fresh produce 

The wonderful verity of vegetables and fruits you'll find that you never see in a normal grocery store. Yes, purple okra is real. Something to consider for your next dinner party.  

Of course I was enjoying some newly harvested goodness. Ok, not quite... There was a bakery selling also.  In my defense I only had one. When you eat quality less quantity is required. Yep you can quote me on that *cheesy smile*.

I ate the peaches and string beans later.

An Afro Puff & Golf Event

So I went to a golf event (by event I mean event not tournament)... I figured that I might as well not wear my afro out, and I did not possess the time or stamina to do a protective style. Besides I had to wash my hair soon anyway. All this equaled afro puff. If I had really wanted to wear my afro out - I would have. However, I wanted to do something slightly different because I do not pull my hair back often.  This is what happen. 

Blue ensemble = blue headband. Hey? we all have our preppy days. Maybe. 
The same thing happen to me that happen last week. I walked into a room that was the same color I was  wearing.

Oh how nice

Braid-out turned curlly afro become afro puff

I slept with my hair in three rubberbands (and a scarf!)  that night and maintained a sizable afro the next day.

I met Blair O'Neal 

She is a very nice and talented golfer. 

Oh, and most importantly she was wearing BlUE like me! 


A Response is Better Than a Reaction

To bear defeat with dignity, to accept criticism with poise, to receive honors with humility -- these are marks of maturity and graciousness.
-William Arthur Ward

Water Yourself

I was trying to start 2012 off the right way.   

Water consumption is one of those areas almost everyone can improve upon. A good deal of this is plane laziness; on the other hand, becoming/being an unpracticed hydrator is easy in a beverage laden society. 

Dangerous since our bodies are mostly made of water and consequently need it. 

As I have increased my water intake I have noticed that I actually crave it when I am not drinking enough. So seriously, try the water thing. 

Buy (BIG and small) water bottles. 
 When you are out for long periods it is best to carry a sizable water bottle. Then there are those times when you are caring smaller bags and might like to use a smaller water bottle that will fit in your bag. Bringing a water bottle can really help you hydrate more (your body is smiling ^__^)

Pay attention to the materials used to make you water bottle.
Glass water bottles are the healthiest.. Water tastes better after some time in a glass water bottle. Literally. There are other types of water bottles that are ok also. Make sure you identify them.
The plastics that are used in most water bottles have very negative side effects. VERY. I invite you to google this right now. Crazy right?

All water is not equal (quality wise), but, that doesn't give you an excuse.
Yep, water quality is not all roses. However, it’s better to drink mediocre water than none at all.

Wishing you blue bliss


The Toes

I wasn't thinking pink, or purple, or plum. That left me with blue because I wanted color

Bare with me I am endeavoring to photograph my feet in a way that doesn't make them look totally ugly. Especially since they're pretty amazing looking. They better be. As good as I treat them...


The Three W's in Weight

think "double-u" before you make your next meal choice.
image source
Yes, there are three w's in wwweight. Three things that are involved in everyone eating habits. If you decided to lose weight the three w's are here help you -when used wisely.

1. What you eat
If you are eating a healthy diet your body will began to eliminate extra pounds. When I say "what you eat" I mean food. Not anything that comes from a vending machine, but, something that naturally occurs in nature. Unprocessed foods are easier for our body to convert into nutrients. Which means not being hungry all the time. Not being hungry all the time makes one less likely to overeat (overeat = eating when not hungry). Now, I did not say portion control. Because, we should eat until we are full. After you are full stop ( I know, so simple yet so hard without practice!). Restricting health foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains (other than wheat), and high quality meats, is like telling someone that they can only drink eight glasses of water a day. Some things you can ever get to much of, and others you cant get to little of. Balance! Hard to find. Worth the effort.

2. Where you eat
Do the people at Mcdonald's know your name? How often are you eating out?  The best place to eat is at your table. There is no other way to be sure about exactly what your eating. There are very few healthy restaurants. Began to experament with recipes and find healthy foods you enjoy. By healthy I don't mean low calorie. I mean ingredients that occur in nature. Basically: if it never had a heartbeat or never needed dirt to grow you probably don't want to swallow it.

3. When you eat
I'm sure you've heard allegations about late night eating being a source of fast weight gain. This is more fact that fiction (more on this later)... I was first introduced to this by watching youtube videos about a book called "the daylight diet." I will find the lecture I liked best and post it later. Basically your body processes food best in daylight. When the sun goes down the metabolism slows as your body prepares to sleep and concentrate its energies on other parts of itself that need attention besides your metabolism. When we eat late we disturb this whole process and gain weight. I can testify it works like a charm. Stop eating late gradually. You will see a difference.

FYI: scales belong on reptiles. Not in bathrooms.